soaking seed

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Hi everywhere i look people are using Vikon S to Soak seed, Do you need it to be successful, there seems to be some mystery about soaking seeds, Im just new to breeding Gouldians and want to give them the best diet as possible. Appreciate any advice

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Okay "J"

This is what I do. All over and done with in 24 hours. I take a 750gm peanut butter jar ( which I have had for 6 years,) screw lid which has holes drilled in it. Fill it up nearly to the top then add about a little fingernail full of Virkon. Add water and let soak for at least 6 hours (7am). Early arvo upend and drain water. I am lucky in that I have a 4ft aquarium with light so I sit it there overnight. Nice and warm and light. Next morning rinse the seed in a fine sieve , to get rid of the dirt etc(looks pretty bad with brown water, rinse until clear) then let it soak in water for 10 minutes or so with a touch of Virkon . Rinse again through the sieve and let drain. Most has just chitted.

Hands on about 5 minutes over th 24 hour period. Sounds fiddly but pretty simple.

Done and dusted.

Put it in the fridge and feed out as needed.

There is one thing though, you need quality seed, otherwise it is a waste of time. It will be only soaked, not chitted or sprouted. If you want it sprouted go another 12/ 24 hours but I find chitted is better.

Last edited by matcho on 01 Jun 2015, 21:22, edited 1 time in total.
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You certainly don't need Virkon to successfully soak/sprout seed. It is just one of the more recent & more effective disinfectants used for this purpose to prevent contamination of soaked & sprouted seed. You could use other disinfectants, or none as long as you thoroughly rinse the soaked seed under running water (more than once ideally).
Personally, I soak seed in a virkon solution, just drain off the water via a kitchen sieve without rinsing, then place the soaked seed into a large & clean bowl, stir it twice a day until it sprouts evenly, then freeze (& feed) it to the birds as required. I sprout about 3 weeks worth at a time to minimise more regular food prep chores. I also mix mine with about 20-30% blended/smashed veges (peas, corn, capsicum, broccoli, sweet potato & kale) prior to freezing. This is an excellent all year soft seed/vege rearing food for breeding finches.
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The system Matcho is referring to is sprouted seed. This is more beneficial diet wise.
You don't want to see green shoots just the tiny white bud.
If you do not want to do the above and simply soak the seed as we do.
This is our method, submerge the seed with clean water and soak for about 4 hours(tops) then drain
the water off very well and then freeze it and feed out as required. It will thaw rapidly and is a
great method of food for breeding birds.
We use Vircon S and don't even rinse it, drain, put in a container and freeze.
if you do not wish to use Vircon then a dash of kitchen unscented bleach will do nearly the same, or even
nothing added. If this is your method then rinse it well. If you live in a high humidity area be careful as you
could end up with a yeast type build up.
If you feed a lot of white millet to your birds as I do then by soaking it, it becomes far easier for the young to digest.
If you find that the frozen seed has ended up a solid block you are not draining it enough. It should be easily crumbled
direct from the freezer.
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Thankyou very much for all your help much appreciated
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Excellent info for beginners. Thank you!!
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Each night I 'three quarters' fill a small cup with seed and then fill it almost to the top with water....
Each morning I pour the soaked seek into a small sieve, rinse thoroughly and then rest on top of the empty cup.
I then take the seed from yesterday (that has now been resting in the sieve for approx. 24 hours) and serve to the birds.
I don't use any disinfectants or chemicals.
I have been doing this for 10 years.
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