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there was a bare paddock,but now work has finally started.It may not look like much,but i am just about to start my 3-5 year plan to build my aviaries.The brown strips in the paddock you can see,are where the grader has deep ripped the ground in preparation for planting my trees in about a months time.My trees are a poplar hybrid- Deltoides x Nigra and are a sterile,non invasive tree that are also deciduous.There will be two in each row and will be 8 metres apart.These trees are quite quick growing and will make excellent shade in the summer and let the sun in,in the winter.The aviaries will be 12 metres long x 5 metres wide x about 3 metres high and there will eventually be 6 in total.I pretty much have them planned,but will wait a while before i start the build,as i don't yet have the time needed to put into the birds i want to breed and i will let the trees get some size on them.Getting some of the plants in their spots in the forthcoming aviaries may also be on the cards.Progress will be slow,but the time will go quick enough.Will post some pics as i go.
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Shane Gowland
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Can't wait to see how this progresses.
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Ian Hamilton
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Ditto above ! Get your plants in & foundations set. The rest will play out in the fullness of time. I'm very envious .
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Are you going to just randomly separate the finches into the aviaries or does it depend on their species?
Have a nice day!
Sincerely, Cathy
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Hello,yes, time hopefully is on my side and i will get the plants etc done and hopefully right before the aviaries are even built.I am planning on specialising in the [ harder species ] ,being the ones that need termites especially,for their success.Hopefully,i will have soughted out most problems concerned with environment etc for the different specie i hope to keep by the time i start to build.
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Ian Hamilton
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Here's a thought, and will require some serious thinking... with a steel/aluminium frame, what if you put termite nests to grow in each aviary ? Are they far away enough from your house ? Easy question to rule out if out of the question.
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I am pushing the friendship [wife] with having the aviaries out the front of the house as it is.They will only be about 25 metres from the verandah and probably too close for that,besides,i only have to travel no more than 15 kilometers and i have access to termites.I will be able to sit on my verandah and look at my birds,better than having to go down the back to see them.No need to be envious Ian,your setup is pretty amazing.
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Ian Hamilton
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Thank you & best of luck. I reckon half the enjoyment is building them.
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Excellent thinking to plan so far ahead. Wish I could talk my hubby into something like this, but suggestions about a bigger block a little further out of town are falling on intentionally deaf ears. Look forward to watching your journey.
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sounds like its going to be a special build, looking forward to watching the progress.
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