Painted finch pair: Should I clean the nest?

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My painted finch pair have been trying for months now. They have been sitting on eggs for months and nothing is happening. My problem is, is that the box has started to smell, as though there are dead babies in their or something. I feel like I need to clean it out. It is a very big breeding box, full of grass and other nesting material and it would be almost impossible for them to take things out of the nest, i.e push out infertile eggs?

So , should I take it down and clean it out? I feel really bad, but there has to be something dead in there and I don't want to create a breeding ground for disease?

Your thoughts greatly appreciated.
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Pull the box out, clean it, spray it for bugs and then give them fresh nesting material to start again.
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Location: Illawarra, NSW, Australia

I agree with Matt- I would give it a complete cleanout
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