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Ok,i can see this topic spiraling out of control like it has over the last four years and i don't want to be hit over the knuckles by the Mods,as i said,its my life style and my choice. :thumbup: Craig :silent:
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After a few years of shooting/ferreting I will stick to buying my duck from the supermarket. Rabbits are another thing, fresh ferreted, beautiful. Woodies, black ducks and grey teal taste like shite especially if they have been in ti tree areas, so tannin infused, yuk. Nothing worse than to try and prepare a woodie, near had to dip myself in Coopex because of the lice.

In regards to the Burdekin Duck, also known as a Rajah Shelduck there was a pair here in Iron Cove in Sydney a couple of years ago, stayed for at least 2 years, cant comment now because haven't fished that particular area for a couple of years.

Look in all reality I really don't think the duck season will really affect the population, after all it has been going on for over 100 years. We,ourselves have actually helped them with our agricultural practices and opening areas with parkland and water. Woodies love it.

Everybody is entitled to their lifestyle/hobby/sport/religion etc, etc. That is why we have democracy here in this country. Unfortunately some bleeding hearts get more air than they are really entitled to. As the old saying goes "The squeaky door gets the most oil".

Got your back.


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Craig52 wrote:
Tiaris wrote:I'm quite concerned that previously common survival skills such as hunting, fishing & killing one's own livestock for the table are being progressively more discouraged as our society becomes more environmentally & animal welfare "conscious".
At the same time, I find it remarkably hypocritical that I am allowed to kill 10 wild ducks per day for a defined period yet if during that same period I was to keep a pair of the same species in my aviaries for the purposes of keeping them alive & breeding from them without obtaining a licence & paying a fee to the same government I would be guilty of breaking the law & fined for so doing.
I agree Tiaris,but these are not classed as aviary birds though some people keep them as such and being a native animal you are required to have a licence to do so,so yes you would be in the wrong.
Hunters pay for a shooters licence as well as a game licence yearly.They also pay for a WIT test (Wildfowl Identification Test) and if you don't pass it you don't get a game licence.
Anyway,my life style and my choice. Cheers Craig :silent:
On the whole I agree with what tiaris has said. While I am personally uncomfortable with the shooting of native waterfowl, I am more comfortable with the concept of all the waterfowl shot being consumed by the person shooting them. I much prefer the idea of shoting for food rather than sport. I feel the same way about fishing. Ethically I see less of an issue taking a couple of birds from the wild for an aviary than taking a duck or a fish for sport.

Craig, while the idea of a licence is better than no licence, I think you'll agree just because drivers have taken a test and got a licence doesn't make people follow the rules. My greatest concern is how many non-target species are shot, how they are humanely treated after they are shot and how much policing/regulation goes into enforcing bag limits and non collection of non target species and birds over the bag limit.

Cheers Ian
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iaos wrote:. Ethically I see less of an issue taking a couple of birds from the wild for an aviary than taking a duck or a fish for sport.
Getting a bit off topic, but 100% in agreement :thumbup:

Might have to stir the pot by opening a new topic on 'trapping'

After all the ancestors of ALL aviary inmates came from the wild either here or overseas

On second thought, such a topic may give ammunition to justify further restrictive measures by govt depts . . so will :silent:
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Living in Oz, the best country in the world, is the Land of Live and let Live, don't mind me mind your own business, don't get your nickers in a knot, and all the other wonderful sayings,
SO why do we persevere in destroying other peoples pleasure, just because we don't agree with what they're doing. Keeping birds in cages could be the next target.
SO to each his own is my motto. Off me box.
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On again ATM

Too quiet round here . .

Topic for debate . .

" Governments should allow the trapping of native birds for aviculture; but outlaw the shooting of ducks and quail"
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Lets start issuing trapping and exporting licences for anything that is in high numbers, like the correllas round here. WA has an annual shoot where the farmers see who can get the most feral animal (cats, rabbits, foxs, pigs) every state should have this.
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Corellas, Galahs, & Sulphas can be taken on licence in NSW, with a royalty going to NPWS for every bird caught and sold
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I think WA has/had something similar with Regents, Redcaps, 28s & Western Rosellas.
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Pete Sara
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You are correct tiaris , but I think the western rosella may have stopped due to low numbers . Usually Pest species , well what's deemed as such ..Pete
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